Malawi Environment Protection Authority | MEPA


The Malawi Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) is the primary agency responsible for overseeing environmental management and protection in Malawi. Established with the mandate to preserve the country’s natural resources and promote sustainable development, MEPA plays a crucial role in shaping and implementing environmental policies and regulations.

 Our key objectives include:


Promoting awareness and partcipation on sustainable environmental management


A clean and healthy environment for all.


To be a leading regulator for the efficient protection and management of the environment for sustainable
development in Malawi.

Core Values

MEPA is guided by the following core values, which set the ideal behavioral standards for its employees, its agents and all stakeholders:

Environmental Stewardship

We are committed to enforcing the right to a clean and health environment and to undertaking our work in environmentally responsible ways.


We are committed to discharging our responsibilities and functions with competence and diligence
at all times.


Promoting transparency and accountability in our work. Will be impartial and objective in the delivery
of services, basing our decision making on sound evidence.


Fostering an enabling environment that encourages innovation, creativity and continuous learning to
achieve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.


MEPA commits to recognize the importance of cooperation and collaboration with other stakeholders.