Recommended structure of Malawi Environment Protection Authority (MEPA)
Malawi Environment Protection Authority
Purpose: To protect and manage the environment and promote sustainable utilization of natural resources.
The provision of:
(a) Environmental planning and information management services
(b) Environmental assessments, Licensing and inspection services
(c) Biodiversity conservation and climate change management services
(d) Legal Services
(e) Human resource and administration services
(f) Financial accounting services
(g) Procurement and asset disposal services
(h) Internal audit services
Purpose: as function a) above
(a) The provision of environmental planning,
monitoring and research services.
(b) The management and dissemination of
environmental information.
Purpose: As function c) above
(a) The promotion of ex-situ and in-situ conservation of
biological diversity and regulation of access to
genetic resources.
(b) The promotion, management and control of climate
change issue
Purpose: As function b) above
a) The control of pollution, inspection and
enforcement of environmental standards.
b) The provision of environmental impact and
social assessments.
c) The provision of licensing and permit services
Purpose: As function d) above
a) The provision of secretarial services to the Authority
b) The management of corporate legal issues.
c) The drafting and review of the regulations on
environmental protection and management.
d) The production and issuance of licenses to the qualified
Purpose: As function d) above
a) The coordination and processing of
procurement requirements
b) The acquisition of works and consultancy
c) The development of procurement plans
Purpose: As function a) above
a) The management of Current Account
b) The management of Development Account
c)The management of Revenue and expenditure
d)The Reconciliation of books of Accounts
e) The management of stores and supplies
Purpose: As function b) above
a) The provision of human resource
management and development services
b) The provision of office services
c) The provision of strategic guidance, policy and
Purpose: To provide MEPA regional services
a) The provision of Environmental Assessments,
licensing and inspection services
b) The provision of general administrative